Breakthrough Media Center

Restoring The Right To Due Process: Shackled and Detained, A Pregnant Woman’s Story

Juana's story is one of Breakthrough's most shared and talked-about videos. One day while driving in Tennessee -- and while nine months pregnant -- Juana was stopped for a supposed traffic violation (of which she was later cleared). Before she knew it, Juana, an immigrant from Mexico, found herself in jail awaiting possible detention. Then she went into labor — and to the hospital, without her family, to give birth in shackles. Watch the video to learn the rest of Juana's ordeal, and to see the damage our broken, inhumane immigration system causes to women, families and communities. And consider this: we are talking a lot these days about the "war on women." But the war on women is even bigger than you may think. Yes, it is about reproductive and economic justice ---- and yes, that's pretty big already. But this "war" is more. The war on immigrants and the escalating "war on women" are part of one sweeping crusade against the fundamental rights of all women living in the United States, documented and otherwise. It's time for us to protect the true American values of diversity and democracy, dignity and respect. It's time for those of us outraged by women's human rights violations across borders and oceans to support women's human rights at home. We're here to stand up for the rights of all women in the United States. Are you? Tweet this video: I'm here to support the #humanrights of all women in the US. Are you? Watch Juana: #immigration #waronwomen  
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