Past Annual & Impact Reports

Restoring Fairness

This retrospective review documents the evolution of Breakthrough’s Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice Program, its accomplishments, and the lessons learned. After discussing the methodology for this review (Section II) and establishing the policy context under which the program operated in its first years (Section III), the paper introduces Breakthrough as an organization (Section IV) and then takes a detailed look at the evolution of the program (Section V). Section VI focuses on the outcomes and impact of Breakthrough’s work, while Section VII considers why policy change protecting immigrants’ rights has not been possible. The final section highlights lessons learned that Breakthrough is applying to its current work.

Ring the Bell

Breakthrough’s game-changing, award-winning Bell Bajao (“Ring the Bell”) campaign, launched in India in 2008, successfully positioned men as partners in challenging domestic violence—and put the power to end violence against women in millions of hands across South Asia and beyond. Endorsed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and many more, Ring the Bell went global in 2013.

I Can Stop Deportation - ICED

ICED – I Can End Deportation ( is a first-of-its-kind, free, downloadable 3D video game that puts players in the shoes of immigrants struggling to live, study, and work in the U.S. With hundreds of thousands of downloads and extensive press coverage worldwide since its release in 2008, it has changed the way people think about the human rights of immigrants and the importance of due process and fairness for all.

Deport the Statue

Breakthrough’s 2013 Deport the Statue campaign— seizing a moment when both the Senate and the public were debating immigration reform—reached more than 20 million people and mobilized new audiences in support of the rights of immigrant women.

Be That Guy

The Be That Guy project—the first phase of which was implemented in November 2013—is Breakthrough’s first U.S.-focused initiative to specifically engage men as constituents of the Breakthrough Generation. The initiative calls on men—and everyone—to hold each other accountable for stopping violence against women, even in its smallest everyday forms.


Breakthrough’s 2012 #ImHere multimedia campaign reached more than 7 million people and mobilized thousands of everyday Americans to say “#ImHere” to promote the rights of immigrant women.