Roe Vs. Wade was a historic win for women's rights As reproductive rights are under threat, Michelle Rodriguez with Breakthrough shared the story of Roe vs. Wade and Norma McCorvey, AKA Jane Roe.
Photo of Norma McCorvey, AKA Jane Roe, courtesy of Lorie Shaull via Wikipedia Commons.
We Count! is a multimedia campaign to build the civic power of youth of color, especially those from LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities, and amplify their ideas and dreams for the future.
Brilliant, powerful, and often overlooked: Black women suffragists fought for women’s right to vote knowing their *own* disenfranchisement wouldn’t end anytime soon. They persisted, lifting as they climbed, making historic legislation like the 19th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 possible.
Voting is a right! Or is it? For the second episode in our We Count! series featuring @misssaramora, we explore the relationship between citizenship and voting. For most of America’s history, it was more important to be white, male, and own property to be eligible to vote, than to be a citizen. But that has changed, and racism and xenophobia have a lot to do with it. Learn more, and find out ways to take action!
What does the trans and non-binary community face while voting? Well, a lot. For trans and non-binary folks there are systems in place that make it difficult to simply cast a vote. Imara Jones and Emmet Schilling walk us through the obstacles that non-binary and trans voters face, and how to make your vote count even with those obstacles at hand.

Share Your Story!

Submit a poem, paragraph, drawing or other visual art (max. 10 images), or short video (max. 1 minute) that explains how YOU are making your voice count this election cycle:
What does voting mean to you? And what doesn't it mean?
How are you feeling about the 2020 elections?
What does a liberated future look like to you?
Share how you feel, and don't hold back! Because you count—we count!
Take Our National Youth Survey!

Are you between the ages of 16 - 24? Do you want to make your voice count? Take this short survey and tell us about your passions, dreams, questions and concerns. Whether you're registered to vote, uncertain about the process, excited -- or not -- your voice matters. It helps grassroots organizers and national advocacy organizations meet your needs.
Mobilizing the 2020 Youth Vote: An Interview with Kellen Edmondson, Field Director of HeadCount
In this interview, Doyin and Kellen discuss mobilizing youth, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community to vote in the upcoming elections.
Read MoreGOALS
To understand what issues young people are passionate about this election cycle, and share their stories, hopes, questions and concerns.
To connect young people with resources that support their civic engagement, both in the 2020 elections and the U.S. Census, via our media channels and the direct organizing work of our partners.
To engage partners in an innovative multimedia campaign that energizes the public and raises the profile of their work.
Make Your Voting Plan
- Am I registered to vote? Check your status here. - via HeadCount
- Not registered yet? You can do so here. - via HeadCount
- A guide for first-time voters - via AAOP
- Vote from home: regulations and ballot requests for all 50 states - via HeadCount
- Vote early by mail
- Find a mailbox near you
- Find a polling place near you
- Taking time off to vote: find laws in your state
- Sign up for election reminders
- Navigating voter safety amid COVID-19

Learn More
7 Million Strong: the newly eligible youth voters of color who will make a difference this Election Day - via The New York Times
- Toolkits: advocating for immigrants and undocumented youth - via United We Dream

We Count! builds on a 20-year legacy of harnessing the power of storytelling, media and pop culture to advance human rights. Since 1999, Breakthrough has accelerated narrative and cultural change at the intersection of gender equity, racial justice, and immigrant rights.
We Count! is made possible with generous support from the Roddenberry Foundation. Learn more about the Foundation and its trailblazing community partners here.
Youth of color represent a growing, passionate -- but still under-resourced -- voting bloc in the United States. 7 million youth of color are newly eligible voters, but voting means overcoming barriers. Not only are voting processes complex and inconsistent, often intentionally so, but many elected officials bear little resemblance to the changemakers youth of color look up to in their own communities, and there’s an empathy gap: not all are committed to addressing the issues youth of color care about most. There are also significant disenfranchisement efforts that harm young people, like voter ID laws and early voting or vote-by-mail restrictions, which demonstrate the fact that when young people don’t turn up to vote it is more about society’s failure to close the gaps in access than it is a failure on their part.
We Count! bridges those gaps, offering tailored resources, a safe space for listening and storytelling, and a springboard for action, toward putting power back in their hands. Through mass media, and in partnership with leading community organizers, we are amplifying the experiences, passions and imaginations of GenZ voters, to inspire and offer resources to their peers.
The work doesn't stop after Election Day. Join Breakthrough and our partners as we continue building a movement of democracy builders and radical cultural influencers. Sign up for our newsletter here.