M.O.T.H.E.R. by Caela Collins

Caela Collins Mother's Day Poem

by Caela Collins (in dedication to my mother Valerie) Childhood Mother, mother there is no Other Together we share the same color Hair Even though there’s a lot of  Rules So what I think you’re cool!I Love You! Adulthood Most of all, I want to say thank-you. No matter how Overly elaborate the words of…

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Tree Girl’s Budding Thoughts by Caela Collins (Part 1)

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

Part 1 By Caela Collins Like Trunks We stand tall and Like their stumps, sometimes we fall short. In moments of despair, we bow our heads deep down into our shoulder blades and weep Like Willows. Like blowing leaves, We shiver in the frigid wind when it grazes our epidermis. We stretch to the morning…

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