BY & FOR: A PODCAST COMMUNITY launches with a creative collaboration between Breakthrough & the My Colorful Nana Project!
We are so excited to be an official creative collaborator for Season 2 of the My Colorful Nana Project podcast, a powerful series about a collected group of Generous Thinkers who invite all people to consider and celebrate their definitions of the words “beauty,” “femininity,” and Blackness through a discussion of hair.
Every two weeks, we’ll post another episode hosted by My Colorful Nana creator Lauren Stockmon Brown, and edited by Jacob Lowy. We hope you’ll join the conversation.
How might the global crisis of COVID-19 relate to the racial, financial and political issues that TMCNP dives into? How is one’s perspective on politics unique based on their racial identity, gender identity and their growing up experience? How is one’s chosen gender expression a form of creativity, control or strength?
Help us answer these questions and more by joining By & For: A Podcast Community. Check out the first episode of the podcast here, and follow us on Facebook (Breakthrough / MCNP), Instagram (Breakthrough / MCNP) and Twitter (Breakthrough / MCNP), and by subscribing to our newsletter (Breakthrough).